Best ways to resolve Error 1601: when installing or updating QuickBooks desktop:
QuickBooks is one of the frequently used accounting & financial management software that aids to work with multiple users at a time. However, this software is not completely free form errors that can interrupt you work.
In this post, we will discuss about the QuickBooks Error code 1601. In general, the Error 1601 arises while QuickBooks installation is not updating or the error code messages appear during working on the software. The error message is shown below.
“Error 1601: Windows Installer is not accessible”

Reading this post will help you learn some of the causes and fixes to QuickBooks install error code 1601. However, if you are facing any issue or in case of any query, you can get in touch with our customer support team via our toll-free number i.e. +1-844-521-0490. Our team of experts and certified professionals will ensure to provide the best possible support in the least possible time.
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What is QuickBooks error code 1601?
This is basically a java error that occurs when the installation is not updating. This error comes up with an error message saying the windows installer is not accessible. There can be a few possible triggers to QuickBooks error code 1601, which we will be discussing later on. Getting rid of this error becomes easy by carrying out a few simple methods.
Possible Causes of QuickBooks Error 1601
The major reasons behind the QuickBooks Install Error 1601 are discussed below:-
- Generally error codes are on top that generated once in the windows. If get infected with a widespread attack to related to the software package.
- The QB issue is going to take place once if the QB downloading file is faulty.
- If the Microsoft Windows installer gets corrupted.
- When there is no permission to put in the QuickBooks software system or a Windows Operating System.
- QuickBooks not installed correctly or damaged QB installer
- It might be all programs area unit infected by malware & viruses.
Methods to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Install Error Code 1601
The Error code 1601 in QuickBooks can be swiftly resolved by restarting the system, and attempting one or more of the following fixation methods:
Method 1: Check windows installer service

In order to fix the QuickBooks error code 1601, the user can check and reinstall the windows install service. The steps involved in this process are as follows:
- First of all Start the system, and hit onto the “Start” button.
- Enter the “msc” in the search window.
- In the pop-up screen, select the “services (local)”.
- Perform right-click on the “Windows- Installer” and “Properties” tab.
- In the “Properties”, go to the “Startup-Type”, verify if it is “Disabled”. If it is disabled, then choose the “Manual” tab.
- Choose the “Service Status” and to enable the Windows set it to “Start” icon.

- This fixation method will solve the error 1601 if it was the Windows installer problem that made the Error to appear. If not, then proceed with the next fixation method.
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Method 2: Registering the windows installer again
- The very first step is to go to the “Start” tab.
- And then, hit onto the “Windows+R” keys simultaneously.
- Now, move to the “Command Prompt” window type-in the message “msiexe/unreg”.

- Followed by, clicking on the “OK” tab.
- Confirmation message will pop-up on the screen. For confirmation, hit onto the “OK” tab.
- Again, choose the “Start” and then hit onto the “Windows+R” tab at the same time.
- In the “Command Prompt” screen, type the “exe/regserver” & hit the “OK” button.
- Whenever the confirmation message pop-up, hit on the “OK” tab to confirm.
- To end the process, verify if the QB error code 1601 still continue or not with the QuickBooks software installation process. If not, then attempt to download the windows installer new version.
Method 3: Use QuickBooks install diagnostic tool

- Install and Use the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic tool, it can fix many issues originated by various third-party applications such as .NET Framework, C++, and MSXML.
- After that Start the system & login as system Administrator
- In the computer, open the browser & go to “QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool”.
- Hit onto the install Diagnostic Tool Download link.
- Now save the file in the local desktop and close the background program.
- Hit twice onto the QBInstall_Tool_v2.exe file & press the run as option.
- Lastly, it will run a complete scan on the system and repair all the issues.
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Method 4: Perform a clean install of QuickBooks desktop

To fix error 1601 you can perform a clean installation of your QuickBooks desktop:
- Firstly you need to uninstall your QuickBooks desktop
- After that search and open the folder that holds your QuickBooks company files. This is usually your QuickBooks folder. It’s usually in one of these locations:
- C:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
- C:\Users\(current user)\AppData\Local\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
- C:\Program Files\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
- 64-bit version C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
- Hit a right-click on folder and then choose Rename option.
- Now add the OLD extensions at the end of the folder name.
- This will prevent QuickBooks desktop from trying to open it when you reinstall.
- Finally, install your QuickBooks Desktop one more time.
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Hopefully, this technical blog post endows the best knowledge to you associated with the QuickBooks Installation Error 1601. Following any of the above stated methods can help the user in fixing the error. But if anyhow, you encounter any issue like this or unable to perform the steps correctly..! In such scenario, you can take help from the QuickBooks Enterprise support number i.e. 1-844-521-0490.
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